动力方面,科赛GT搭载了被评为“中国心”十佳发动机的蓝鲸2.0T GDI发动机,其最功率达到了171kw,峰值扭矩360N·m,与之匹配的是爱信8AT变速箱,搭配着前麦弗逊独立悬架和后多连杆独立悬架的组合,整体操控性非常的不错。
视频 | 坐进三排无怨言 凭什么说吉利嘉际不像MPV?
一款搭载48V轻混系统的MPV有什么不一样?这也是我想问的问题。今天试驾的车型是吉利嘉际1.5T MHEV至臻版。可以说嘉际的到来弥补了吉利在MPV领域的空缺,那么这款搭载了48V…
“ 自驾游,于我而言并不陌生。从工作到现在,不管是因为工作关系还是个人出行,大大小小的自驾游行程都有参与,100公里的短途或者是5000公里的长途,绝大多数情况下,都是…
“ 大家都知道,现在的B级车市场被本田雅阁、丰田凯美瑞、日产天籁、大众迈腾等几款经典车型占据,所以为了车企为了进一步提升竞争力,又讲市场进行细分,推出了不少定位稍高与以…
2.9秒破百,国产最强四门轿跑箭在弦上了_比亚迪,概念车,设计,轿车,新能源,MODEL S,技术,能源,上海车展,保时捷,特斯拉汽车,原汁原味的德系SUV
“ 早在此前的2019上海车展上,比亚迪e-SEED GT概念车的亮相就备受外界瞩目。据官方消息,比亚迪或将于明年6月推出全新的中大型轿车,新车采用四门轿跑化的设计,并…
点击「青岛电视台今日」可快速关注 现在不少车主, 都喜欢买个摆件放在车里, 既能体现自己的个性, 也是为了图个吉利。 吴先生也买了一个招财猫的玻璃摆件, 没想到, 这个摆件不仅没带…
[车师傅 行业] 近日,长安汽车发布其2018年度业绩预告。预告显示,2018年归属于上市公司股东的净利润为5亿元-7.5亿元,同比下降92.99%-89.49%,而2017年…
The ability to present nuanced ideas so clearly is something I truly respect.
This article was a joy to read. The enthusiasm is contagious!
Thanks for the hard work. I could almost see the sweat on the keyboard. Much appreciated!
Impressed by The nuanced clarity. It’s like you’re explaining quantum physics to a toddler, and they get it.
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Reading The article was a joy. The enthusiasm for the topic is really motivating.
Engaging with The content is like embarking on a treasure hunt, where knowledge is the prize.
The insights add so much value to the conversation. I always learn something new from you.
The finesse with which you articulated The points has me captivated. It’s as if you’re speaking my language.
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Reading The work is like watching the sunrise, a daily reminder of beauty and new beginnings.
The post resonated with me on many levels. Thank you for writing it!
The finesse with which you articulated The points has me captivated. It’s as if you’re speaking my language.
Thank you for the hard work you put into this post. It’s much appreciated!
I admire the way you tackled this complex issue. Very enlightening!
Thank you for the hard work you put into this post. It’s much appreciated!
You’ve done a fantastic job of breaking down this topic, like unlocking a door to a secret garden. Intrigued to explore more.
You’ve articulated The points with such finesse. Truly a pleasure to read.
I’m so grateful for the information you’ve shared. It’s been incredibly enlightening!
You’ve articulated your points with such finesse. Truly a pleasure to enjoy reading.
I’m impressed by your ability to convey such nuanced ideas with clarity.
You have a gift for explaining things in an understandable way. Thank you!
This post is a testament to your expertise and hard work. Thank you!
I’m genuinely impressed by the depth of your analysis. Great work!
This post is a testament to your expertise and hard work. Thank you!
Such a well-researched piece! It’s evident how much effort you’ve put in.